Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Russian Tea Balls

This recipe is a recipe that my Mother would not allow us to toy with.  It had to be whipped a certain way, rolled a certain way and dipped a certain way.  But we did toy with it.  My mother was right, they are good how she taught us.  These babies are melt in your mouth goodness.  Make them with your kids, its fun to get powdered sugar all over the place.  Have Fun and Enjoy.


1 Cup Butter
1/2 Powdered Sugar
2 1/4 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 Tsp Vanilla
1 Cup Pecans
1/4 Tsp Salt

Making The Dough

  • Turn your oven on to 400 degrees
  • Grab a mixing bowl and add your butter and powdered sugar

  • Mix these well

  • Add your vanilla and mix together well
  • While this is mixing grab a small coffee grinder or if you have chopper

  • Add your pecans to it and grind them until it becomes a powder

  • Add this to your butter, sugar mixture
  • Add your flour and blend these together until it forms a ball

  • Once this has formed into a big ball turn mixer off and start to roll the dough into bit size balls

  • Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes (Do not bake these to long you don't want them to brown)
  • Once they are done take them out and roll them in powdered sugar right away

  • Once they have cooled for 20 minutes roll them again and eat one

Everyone, this is our favorite cookie in the household of misfits.  I hope you all enjoy this as much as our family has.  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and possible eat my food.  Merry Christmas

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