Thursday, September 18, 2014

Not Your Boxed Brownies With Cream Cheese Frosting

Now let me ask you this. Do you love brownies? Or do you loveeeeeeee brownies? Because what I have here is the best brownie you will ever eat and trust me that box stuff your eating is crap.

Now here's the recipe I'll stop talking so you can stop salivating.



2 Sticks of Butter
8oz Dark or Milk Chocolate Bars
2 Cups Sugar
1TSP Vanilla Extract
1 1/4 Cup Flour
4 Eggs
2TBL Chocolate Powder

Putting Amazingness Together

1) Grab 3 bowls
2) Grab a sauce pan and add your butter and chocolate bar, turn heat on medium and mix these ingredients together very, well and often

3) now mix your flour and and coco powder together and set aside

4) Now take your chocolate/butter mixture off the stove top and let cool for ten minutes
5) In your second bowl add 1 cup sugar and eggs and mix until well blended
6) Set aside
7) Add 1 Cup of sugar and vanilla and mix well with your cooled chocolate/butter mixture

8) Add the chocolate/butter mixture and add it too your egg and sugar mixture

9) Add your flour and coco mixture and mix well
10) Grab your 9x9 pan add a little butter to grease the pan
11) Add your brownie mixture and bake in a pre-heated oven of 350 degrees

12) Bake for 35 minutes and let them cool
13) Now make my cream cheese frosting

Ingredients For Frosting

4oz. Cream Cheese
4oz Butter
1TSP Vanilla Extract
2 Cups Powdered Sugar

Basically just mix it all together and put it on top of the brownies and well lick the bowl too.